1868 Berry Mountain Loop Blountsville, AL 35031

Homes For Sale By Owner In Blountsville, AL

Price: $585,000
Address: 1868 Berry Mountain Loop
City: Blountsville
State: AL
Zip: 35031
Amenities: Parking,Storage
Bathrooms: 4
Bedrooms: 3
Condition: Resale
Fee: No
Seller Phone: 8046565007
Seller Type: By Owner
Year: 2018
Provided By: beycome


Beautiful, custum built full brick home. Sets on 3.2 acres. Has over 3,ooo sq. ft. of living space.3 bedrooms 3.5 baths with an office. Open floor plan for the living room, dinning. And Kitchen. Gas log fiar place. Two door garage with storage closet. Upstairs room above the garage could easily been rented out if desired. beycome.com Listing ID: bey16963381. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 16963381. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/1868-berry-mountain-loop-blountsville-al-35031/id16963381 . beycome.com is here to help you save big with when you are looking to buy or rent a home online. We host thousands of listings daily and provide in-depth details on every single one ranging from nearby schools to walk score. With us, you can make a full legal offer on a home and get up to thousands of dollars back after closing the deal.

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